多益聽力常見句型  Part 6


1. How can I open an account? 我怎樣開一個帳戶?  

2. I have to check my balance at the bank. 我必須在銀行確認一下我的餘額。 

3. The bank was unhappy with his credit history. 銀行不喜歡他的信用歷史。 

4. Could you fill out this application for the loan? 你可以填一下這個貸款申請嗎? 

5. Jane was hesitant to take out another loan. 珍妮猶豫要不要再申請一份貸款。 

6. The interest rate on his credit card was too high. 他信用卡的利率太高了。 

7. I will pay back what I owe as soon as possible. 我會儘快還清我的債務。 

8. He left without taking the security deposit at the bank. 他沒有提取銀行保證金就離開了。 

9. Our team represented our group at the game. 在這個比賽中我們隊代表我們組。 

10. What field of research are you studying now? 你從事哪方面的研究? 

11. Follow these directions, and you will find the bank easily. 按照這些路標走,你會很容易地找到銀行。

12. My younger brother is right-handed. 我弟弟是右撇子。 

13. Roll up your left sleeve and make a fist, please. 挽起你的左袖子,攥拳頭。 

14. It is much safer for the children to wear safety helmets when biking. 在騎自行車時戴上安全帽對於孩子會更安全。

15. I’m just calling to see if you’re all right. 我打電話來是想看看你是否還好。

16. I asked the cleaner to remove the stain. 我讓清潔工出去汙漬。 

17. I saw you were taking a cab with your girlfriend yesterday. 我昨天看到你和女朋坐計程車。

18. Go down two blocks, turn right. 走過兩個街區,右轉。 

19. I went for a walk after dinner this evening. 今晚我吃過晚飯後去散步了。 

20. They walked in different directions. 他們向不同的方向走。

21. Who’s that waving to you? 誰在朝你揮手? 

22. Why don’t we straighten up this room? 我們為什麼不整理一下這個房間? 

23. I wonder if there a post office around here. 我想知道這附近有沒有郵局。  

24. The letter will arrive by courier. 這封信會由快遞員送到。 

25. Please send the package by express. 請快遞這個包裹。 

26. Please deliver the package to the second floor. 請把這個包裹送到二層。 

27. Mark the box on the left as fragile. 在箱子的左側標明是易碎的。 

28. We will send an invoice in the mall. 我們將把發票郵寄過去。 

29. Your merchandise shipment hasn’t arrived. 你的貨船還沒有到。 

30. I’ll send a notice out with the minutes from this evening’s meeting. 我會把今晚的會議記錄通知下去。 

31. Where will you be sending this quality control report? 你將吧品質控制報告發送到哪里? 

32. We will ship the item to you as soon as we can. 我們將儘快把貨物交給你。 

33. How will the shipment be transported? 裝載的貨物將怎樣運送? 

34. The worker is unloading the shipment. 工人正在寫在貨船。 

35. She lived across the street from me. 她住在我家街對面。 

36. There are buildings along the path. 路邊有建築。 

37. The convenience store was damaged in the fire. 便利店被大火燒毀了。 

38. We are conveniently located in the city center. 我們位於市中心的便利地帶。 

39. Residents were excited to establish a health club. 居民們期待開一家健身中心。

40. My apartment is for rent.我的公寓待租。 

41. It was much further than he first thought. 比他一開始想得遠很多。 

42. The fences on both sides of street are being painted white. 街兩邊的柵欄被漆成白色。 

43. Severe earthquakes often take place in LA. 洛杉磯京城發生強烈的地震。 

44. It’s $700 a month, including utilities. 包括水電費每月700美元。 

45. Could you tell me when I have to vacate the room? 可以告訴我什麼時候要騰出房子嗎? 


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