多益聽力常見句型  Part 5




1. That scarf is matched well with your skirt. 這條圍巾和你的裙子很搭配。  

2. I would like to catch up with you soon. 我很快會趕上你。 

3. The stadium is closed for today. 體育館今天關門。 

4. Dial the number, then press 2. 撥電話,然後按2。 

5. My suit is at the dry-cleans’. 我的套裝在乾洗店裏。 

6. The power bill is due tomorrow. 電費帳單的期限是明天。 

7. Check the expiration date before you eat that. 吃之前確認一下保質期限。 

8. Helen hoped to be invited to the farewell party. 海倫希望被邀請去送別派對。 

9. Sarah had herbs planted in the flower pot. 薩拉在花盆中種了香草。 

10. Fuel prices look as if they will increase again. 燃料價格似乎會再上漲。 

11. It will take some time to get settled. 安定下來還需要一段時間。

12. He is ready to go fishing. 他準備去釣魚。 

13. Can you hang the laundry on the line? 你可以把洗好的衣服掛在繩子上嗎?

14. It is an honor to meet you. 見到您非常榮幸。 

15. They have not seen each other in ages. 他們很多年沒有見過對方了。 

16. We apologize for the inconvenience. 給您帶了不便我們深感抱歉。

17. Can I see your license, please? 我可以看一下你的駕照嗎? 

18. Would you like me to make coffee for you? 我給你沖杯咖啡怎麼樣? 

19. It’s a good idea to make use of the weekend? 好好利用週末是一個好主意。 

20. We’re sorry, but all our operators are busy at the moment. 對不起,我們所有的接線員都在忙。 

21. How much is it to make an overseas call? 打一個國際電話多少錢? 

22. I always go out for a walk with my pet.經常和我的寵物一起出去散步。 

23. I placed my books in an alphabetical order. 我按照字母順序碼放我的書。 

24. Our prospects for winning the game are great at the moment. 現在我們贏得比賽的可能性非常大。

25. Give my best regards to your family. 代我想你的家裏人問好

26.The best seats are all reserved. 最好的座位都被預定了。 

27. I have an appointment to see the doctor at 6 p.m. 我下午6點和醫生有約。 

28. I will be late because I am stuck in traffic. 因為堵車所以我會晚點兒到。  

29. This site will be under construction for the next two weeks. 這個地方在接下來的兩周裏將會施工。

30. Confirm your reservation as soon as possible. 請儘快確定你的預約。 

31. Contact me as soon as possible. 儘快聯繫我。 

31. James looks forward to meeting you. 詹姆斯非常想見你。 

32. Shouldn’t we make a reservation in advance? 我們不應該提前預約嗎? 

33. How did your appointment with the marketing director go? 擬合市場部主管的約會怎麼樣? 

34. Would you mind if I cancelled the appointment tomorrow? 你介意我去想明天的約會嗎? 

35. Didn’t Mrs. Yoo notify you of the cancellation? Yoo女士沒有告訴你有關取消的事情嗎?

36. Let’s talk about it over a cup of coffee. 我們邊喝咖啡邊交談吧。 

37. It was postponed due to the bad weather. 因為壞天氣延期了。 

38. Sorry, I already have a previous appointment. 對不起,我已經有一個先前的約會了。 

39. What do you want to do with my reservation number? 你想要我的預約號碼做什麼?

40. We’re behind schedule. 我們比預計時間晚。 

41. The meeting was scheduled for Monday, but it has been put off till next week. 會議開始被定在了星期一,但是又被推遲到了下個星期。

42. After all, she didn’t show up.她到底沒有出現。 

43. We threw a farewell party in honor of Mr. Kim. 我們為Kim先生辦了一個送別派對。 

44. I really wanted to go there on time, but something urgent came up. 我真的很想按時到那裏,但是突然出現了很緊急的事情。  

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