多益聽力常出現的類似單字片語 Part 7
1) as rudely as ----> so rude
2) ask ----> suppose // answer
3) ask sb. to do sth. ----> bring the problem to one's attention
4) at first // pretty quickly ----> not for long
5) at least ----> despite
6) at one time // not any more ----> not have to
7) at the jazz club ----> go out for some entertainment
8) at times // on some occasions ----> sometimes // occasionally
9) avoid road clogged with traffic between the suburbs and cities ----> Highway commuting has become unpleasant.
10) awful ----> upset // disgust awful // terrible ----> harmful awfully drowsy ----> feel sleepy
11) cake // apple pie ----> dessert
12) can hardly wait to do ----> look forward to doing // can't wait to do // be anxious to do
13) can't fit it in ----> too busy
14) can't get away with that ----> will get into trouble
15) can't put the book down ----> the book is interesting
16) can't recognize ----> looks different
17) can't stick around ----> have to go
18) can't turn down an offer ----> be eager to go
19) carry out the plan ----> implement the plan
20) casual ----> informally
21) change ----> money
22) change of pace ----> diversion
23) charge ----> pay // fine
24) check ----> ask
25) check it out ----> find out
26) cheerful ----> happy
27) chop down ----> cut down
28) circulation desk ----> library
29) clean out // a big appetite ----> eat all the food
30) clear off ----> reorganize
31) clever ----> smart
32) come a long way ----> improve
33) come in handy ----> useful // benefit
34) come out ----> publish
35) come up with ----> find
36) contest ----> competition
37) couldn't make out ----> didn't understand
38) count sb in ----> sb. wants to go, too
39) cover school expenses ----> pay school fees
40) current ----> recent
41) 48 hours ----> two days
42) 50% off ----> discount
43) a couple of times ----> twice
44) a little after ten ----> just past ten o'clock
45) a waste of money ----> not worth the money
46) a week from today ----> next week
47) a week from tomorrow ----> in eight days
48) age ----> era
49) agreement ----> contract
50) ahead of time ----> in advance
51) any day now ----> soon
52) anything but poor ----> rich // has a lot of money
53) apply for a loan ----> borrow money
54) approach sb ----> talk to sb
55) around ----> nearby
56) ask for a refund ----> get money back
57) astonished ----> surprised
58) backpack ----> knapsack
59) be crowded ----> be well-attended
60) be done ----> complete
61) be free ----> not busy
62) be in one ear and out the other ----> doesn't listen
63) be onto something ----> promising
64) be overwhelmed with ----> be busy with
65) beach ----> seashore
66) best score ----> perfect grade
67) beyond sb. ----> not understand
68) big sale ----> discount
69) book ----> reserve
70) boring ----> uninteresting
71) borrow ----> lend
72) breathe ----> air pollution
73) brighten one's spirits ----> make one feel
74) better broke ----> no money
75) budget ----> money // price
76) bump into ----> meet // see
77) buy ----> purchased
78) by and by ----> in a short while
79) by leaps and bounds ----> quickly