
外國咖啡店各式飲料 - 英文單字   







1) espresso 義大利咖啡 (但是一般表示"濃縮咖啡") 

2) Machhhiato  瑪琪雅朵(濃縮) (也就是我們的(焦糖)瑪奇朵這類型的咖啡,只是沒加焦糖)

3) Con Panna  濃縮康保藍 ( 帶奶油的濃縮咖啡 )

4) caffè latte   拿鐵 (鮮奶咖啡)

5) Cappucino  卡布奇諾 (就是拿鐵上再多加奶泡)

6) Mocha latte 摩卡(濃縮咖啡加上奶泡在加入少量的巧克力糖漿)

7) affè Americano  美式咖啡 (濃縮咖啡加點熱水)

8) white zombie (可萊查無資料,也沒有喝過,所以無法解釋...網路翻譯是白色喪屍...,這到底是什麼樣的咖啡,有喝過的朋友可以告訴可萊嗎。拜託)

9) shot :一份濃縮咖啡 (單位術語) 

10) wet : 少奶泡,多奶

11) no foam : 不要奶泡

12) tall : 小杯

13) Grande: 中杯

14) Venti: 大杯

15)  solo   單人的

16) doppio 雙倍濃縮咖啡

17) clipper

18) brewed coffee 滴漏式咖啡 

19) This coffee is bottomless. 這個咖啡可以續杯。

20) cafe au lait  咖啡歐蕾 (類似拿鐵)

21)  smoothie  奶昔

22) chai 印度香料茶

23)  steamer 牛奶打成細細的泡沫之後



Questions 1-2 refer to following menu.

Lunch Specials
Only available 11:00 A.M. to 3 P.M

Applebee Lunch Special meals $ 6.25 per person

Cheeseburger  Chicken salad 

Soft drink of your choice

Mushroom soup  French fries  Soft drink of your choice
Garlic bread  Onion soup Soft drink of your choice

Big Lunch Special meals $ 11.5 per person

Roast beef Mushroom Soup Garlic bread Soft drink of your choice Strawberry ice cream gment
Lasagna  Onion soup  Cheese cake A glass of red wine  oft drink of your choice
Salmon salad  French fries  Apple pie Soft drink of your choic Vanilla ice cream 

Soup and Salad Special $ 5.50 per person

Italian clam soup  Italian salad: pastrami, many fresh vegetables with homemade kiwi dressing Soft drink of your choice 

1. How much would it cost for a group of four each have :Big Lunch Special meals”?

A) $ 39.85

B) $ 47.80

C) $ 55.45

D) $ 66.36


2. How much would it cost for one person to have garlic bread, a cup of onion soup, and a soft drink?

A) $ 5.50

B) $ 6.25

C) $ 11.95

D) $ 23.20.



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