多益閱讀考古題 recipe 食譜類型 Part 1 

說實在可萊再找多益閱讀考古題時從沒有想到,多益竟然會考食譜相關的閱讀題目,說實在真的滿詫異的,嘛~大家就當多學多準備,就不怕多益閱讀考什麼雜七雜八的內容,而且說實在 recipe 也是日常生活中的一部分,學了也可以多做一些外國菜了,不是嗎~最後一樣附上同類型多益閱讀問題,大家再試試看了~






(一)上圖 單字 :

1) portion (N.) 一部分;一份;(食物的)一份,一客
2) ingredient (N.) (食品的)成分,材料;(成功的)要素,因素

3) carrot (N.)  胡蘿蔔;(為鼓勵而給的)好處,甜頭,獎賞
4) broccoli (N.)  花椰菜 
5) cabbage (N.) 捲心菜或甘藍(我們常見的高麗菜) ;(通常由於嚴重的事故或疾病導致喪失思考和語言能力的)植物人,廢人
6) pasta (N.)  (通常拌以調味醬的)義大利麵食(此為統稱)

7) onion (N.)  洋蔥
8) peel (V. / N.)  除去,剝去(水果、蔬菜的)皮;(表層)脫落,剝落;剝去(表層),剝去…的殼(;尤指水果和蔬菜被削掉的)外皮
*peel away/off (車輛、人或動物)離隊,離群
9) clove (V. / N.)   蒜瓣;(用作調味料的)丁香;劈開

10) tbsp =tablespoon  (N.) 大餐匙,大湯匙;一大餐匙的量(中文:大匙)
11) dried (V. / Adj.) 幹的,乾燥的; (食物或植物)晾乾的,烘乾的

12) mixed (Adj.) 混合的;混雜的

13) herb (N.)(用作調味品或藥材的)香草,藥草

14) spaghetti (N.) 義大利麵條的一種 (細長、圓柱狀)

15)  food processor 食品加工機

16) pan (V. / N.)  平底鍋 (;無蓋的)烤模,烤盤; 馬桶; (攝錄機)追拍 ; 嚴厲批評

17)  fry (V. / N.)   油炸;油煎;油炒 ; 小魚;魚苗

18)  stir (V. / N.)   (用湯匙等)攪動,攪拌 ; (使)微動 ; 激發;打動;煽動

19) simmer (V.)  燉,煨 ; (分歧或消極情緒)醞釀,積聚

20)  instructions (N.)   用法說明;操作指南

21) pulses  (N.)   豆類植物的種子;莢果;豆子

22) blender (N.)  攪拌機


(二) Questions 1-2 refer to following recipe.

3 cups tomato sauce

11/4 cups flavored croutons

1/3 cup grated Parmesan

2 eggs

1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley

1 tablespoon chopped fresh oregano

1 teaspoon fine chopped rosemary

1 teaspoon finely chopped thyme

1 clove garlic

1 pound flank steak, pounded to 1/4-inch thick

Olive oil, for brushing

Salt and pepper

Vegetable oil, for searing


Preheat the oven to 250 degrees F. Place the tomato sauce in a 9 by 13-inch baking dish and place in the oven to heat.

On a food processor bowl mix the croutons, cheese, eggs, herbs and garlic until if forms a paste.

Brush the pounded flank steak with the olive oil and season generously tightly and tie with butcher’s twine.

In a large sauté pan heat 1 to 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and sear all sides of the rolled meat. Remove from the pan.

Add to the hot tomato sauce, cover with a tin foil tent so that the foil is not touching the meat. Braise for 35 minutes or, up to 3 hours.

1. How many cups of tomato sauce should be used., according to this recipe?

A) 1/4

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4


2. What is not included in this trcipe?

A) Salt.

B) Pepper.

C) Oliver oil.

D) Sesame oil.



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